There is no other reason, meaning, or purpose to our lives than to become saints – to be in Heaven with God for all eternity. That life begins now.
JON LEONETTI is a nationally recognized Catholic speaker, best-selling author, and radio host known for inspiring audiences with a message of lasting fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Through his keynote presentations and parish missions, Jon reaches thousands of Catholics each year, guiding them to embrace the freedom and joy found in Christ’s life and love.
Jon is the author of four acclaimed books: Mission of the Family, Your God Is Too Boring, The Art of Getting Over Yourself: And Why You’ll Be Happier When You Do, and Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Holiness. Jon’s works and presentations have been endorsed by prominent Catholic leaders, including Matthew Kelly, Chris Stefanick, Dr. Peter Kreeft, Fr. John Riccardo, Jennifer Fulwiler, and Mark Hart, among others.
Jon believes that the human longing for happiness and wholeness is ultimately fulfilled through an encounter with Jesus Christ. By emphasizing prayer, the Sacraments, family life, and the intercession of Mary and the saints, Jon seeks to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with Jesus and inspire others to do the same.
Jon’s message has been featured on leading Catholic platforms where he helps Catholics from all walks of life deepen their love for God and grow in faith.
At home, Jon enjoys reading, sports, exercise, coffee, and most importantly, spending time with his wife, Teresa, and their three children. He holds a master’s degree in moral theology.